How to Drill Straight Holes?

We often require a drill press for making the holes in any workpiece. Although, the Drill Press is very much larger in size and occupies a lot of space. Apart from that, it is also pretty much costlier. Due to this, it becomes necessary for us to determine How to Drill Straight Without A Drill Press?

There are several methods prevailing, using which we can easily make a hole in a workpiece without using a drill press. Let’s read below “How to Drill Straight Holes?”

How to Drill Straight Holes? – Easy to use Technique

Here are some of the techniques, along with the brief steps using for the answers to How to Drill Straight Without A Drill Press? Kindly go through each of them and learn about them in brief.

With these methods, you are not only saving the running costs and the installation costs, but also the large amount of space that a drill press will occupy at your premises. However, the finishing achieved can’t be compared with the possible result of Best Drill Press. But, These methods will surely give you a good temporary solution.

Making the use of Screw

Perhaps, the easiest method for How to Drill Straight Without A Drill Press is with the use of a screw. This method is easily applicable. First of all, you have to place the screw on the workpiece on which you have to make a hole.

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Then, with the help of a hammer, you have to make strokes on it. In case, you are not having screws you can also use a screwdriver for the same.

1. With the use of Brace and Bit Drill

For making the holes using a brace and a bit drill, all you have to do is to place the drill bit in the clamp. Next, you have to rotate the brace with the help of the chuck on its edge.

With each rotation of the chuck in the anticlockwise direction, the formation of a hole in the workpiece will begin. It is easy to follow and ensures that you don’t have to go through hectic setting up procedure of a drill press machine. This method is more prevalent among the experts of woodworking such as carpenters and woodworkers.

2. Using a CD and Hand Drill Motor

This method is preferable for making holes on a workpiece with a circular profile. First of all, place a CD on the workpiece. Then, you have to mark the spot where you want to make the hole using the pencil or pen.

After it, attach the drill bit on the hand drill motor. Start the hand drill and mark the spot on the place where you want to carve a hole. Once the drill goes through, you will find the neat hole ready.

Applying the L-Wood Technique for Casting the Hole

In this method, we require forming an L-Shape connection of the workpieces. First of all, we have to arrange the workpieces in such a manner that when being together they form an L-Shape.

Now, you have to mark the point on which you have to make the hole. You have to make it sure that the point where you want to create the hole is near the intersection point. In this manner, we will be cutting a straight hole through the workpiece.

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1. Creating straight holes using a Hand Drill

There is a crank in the Hand Drill Press. When we rotate the crank, it also moves the bit along with the chuck. With the help of such kind of mechanism, we wouldn’t require making manual efforts for creating the holes.

For creating a hole, you have to mark the position where you want it. After it, place the drill bit on the spot and we can easily drill through it making the use of a hand drill.

2. With the Application of a nail and a Drill

In case if you are not having the drill bit, then this method of How to Drill Straight Without A Drill Press? can be your savior. You can fix the nail in the place of a drill bit.

Mark a spot where you wish to create a hole. Just switch on the drill and it will easily carve out a hole in the workpiece with you.

3. Making holes using Melting Plastic and Copper Tubing

This method is more prevalent among the construction workers. For the application of this method, you require a drill bit made up of Copper Tubing. First of all, you have to heat the copper tubing up to a desirable temperature.

Once you are done doing that, you have to place the copper tubing on the spot where you want to make a hole. The heat of the drill will melt the plastic. This melted plastic will drill the hole through the workpiece.

Using Screw and a File

Featuring among the easiest methods of How to Drill is a method of using screw and a file. First of all, you have to give a V-Shape to the tip of the screw.

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Now, with the use of a screwdriver, you have to drive the screw in the profile of the workpiece. As soon as you will remove the screw from this portion, you will find a straight hole cut into that place.

Drilling Holes without using a Drill

It is a method which demands a lot of accuracy, dedication and control on the hands of the operator. For the application of this method, you have to mark the spots on both the side of the workpiece such that they are parallel to each other.

Now, with the use of a chuck and a drill, you have to make the rotation of the drill bit in the anticlockwise direction. As soon as you are done making half of the hole from one side of the workpiece, bring out the drill out of the workpiece.

Now, turn the workpiece around and start preparing the hole in the same manner. Once you are done making the rest half of the hole from the other side, you will be getting a neatly carved out hole in the workpiece.


Our present article on, How to Drill Straight Without A Drill Press? relates to the methods for making a hole in the workpiece without the use of a drill press.

All these methods are easy to apply and will offer us with a complete circular profile. Hence, we will easily make holes with them, without laying much amount of effort. I hope you like reading “How to Drill Straight Holes?” 

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